The importance of maintaining the hydraulic equipment and heavy machinery in your business is extremely important for increased safety and high-level production rates. When problems arise in a hydraulic machine, pinpointing the problem is important for making timely repairs that will save time and money. Check out the kinds of problems you may find with hydraulic cylinders and seals.

Clearance Issues Can Prematurely Wear Out Seals

Seals between the cylinder wall and the piston can become prematurely worn out because of the extreme pressure exertion when their clearance is too high. To avoid this kind of wear and tear, be sure to install new seals according to clearance measurements specified by the manufacturer. During assembly, ensuring clearance is correct can help you save money in the future for seals you would not have otherwise had to replace. You can also make the most of your time by ensuring your hydraulic machines are up and running without issues that could have easily prevented.

Preventing High Temperatures for Preserving Seals

When hydraulic fluid gets too hot, it can cause several problems in the machine's operation, one being seal failure. Hot fluids can cause hydraulic seals to warp and lose their memory, meaning they become misshapened and do not fit tightly anymore. Maintaining the proper temperature during hydraulic machine operation is paramount to avoid complete system failure and expensive repairs. Never allow your hydraulic fluids to go over temperatures of 180°F to prevent seal damage and other serious issues with your hydraulic system.

When You are Going Through Too Many Hydraulic Seals

If it seems like you are replacing the seals in your hydraulic machinery every time you turn around, you may be doing so due to unnecessary excessive wear and tear. When seals do not properly seat after installation, they are unevenly placed and can suffer wear on areas that are not in accordance with the cylinder and piston. Bearings that are worn out or out of alignment will cause seals to wear out on only one side. If seals have even wear and tear, simply ensuring their installation is correct for seating can help you avoid problems in the future. However, if you find seals have only one side worn out, re-bushing and proper assembly alignment is a good idea.

Seals may be one small part of your hydraulic machinery, but their function is huge and determines a great deal of successful machine operation. Always remember to be careful during seal installation and avoid using sharp tools for doing so. For example, if you cut a tiny slit in the lip of a new seal during its installation, it could cause leaking and more expensive repairs. When installing seals, rub them down in an appropriate lubricant for making their installation easier. Remember to keep a strict schedule for hydraulic maintenance for ensuring your machines remain operational.
