Polycrystalline diamond (PCD) tools are very common, and they are used in many different industries. You might be wondering whether or not PCD tools will be a good fit for the environment that you work in. These are some of the industries in which PCD tools are most commonly used.


First of all, PCD tools are commonly used in woodworking shops. It's true that there are many different types of tools and blades that can be used for woodworking. PCD tools are less likely to wear out when they are used frequently, which is not the case with other tools that are commonly used for cutting wood. PCD tools can be used to cut through thicker pieces of wood and are great for use with hardwoods that can sometimes be difficult to cut. 


In the automotive industry, you might not think there is much of a need for PCD tools. However, PCD tools are actually incredibly useful in automotive manufacturing plants where metal and other materials are being cut and assembled. Additionally, in some cases, PCD tools are used in the collision repair and body repair industries. This is because there are times when certain body components have to be cut. It's important to use the right tools in these cases, and PCD tools are a great option since they can be used for cutting automotive parts very precisely without causing unnecessary damage to the surrounding finish.

Metal Working

Believe it or not, PCD tooling is also used in shops where metal is commonly cut and worked with. It is important to be aware that PCD tools typically are not ideal for use with ferrous metals. However, they can be used for accurate, precise, and good-quality cutting of all sorts of different non-ferrous metals. They can handle abrasion well and are great for cutting through thick, good-quality sheet metal.


Many people don't know about the different types of tools that are commonly used in the aerospace industry. However, as you might be able to imagine, it's important that the right tools be used. After all, it's imperative not to damage expensive equipment, and it's also important to use equipment that will allow you to keep safety in mind. Luckily, PCD tooling is an excellent choice in the aerospace industry.

As you can see, PCD tooling is commonly used in a variety of different industries. If you're involved in one of these industries and are not already using PCD tooling, now is the time to give it a try.

Contact a supplier for more information about PCD tooling
